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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:32 pm 
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Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:59 pm
Posts: 828
I've been asked for adding more image formats in raydium(world). I'll making a tests with soil, and looks fine.
However merging external image libraries with raydium is not an simple task. The raydium_texture_load_internal is too heavy to allow easy modifications. And so I ask:

Can the creator of this function (maybe xfennec?ouille?) modularize it a bit more?
I think raydium_texture_load_internal could call to raydium_texture_load_internal_tga.
In this way all the TGA related code will be in another function and the load_internal could be flexible enough to allow us to add soil calls here.

Currently I'm doing my test with this base:
char file2[RAYDIUM_MAX_DIR_LEN];
 raydium_log("SOIL trying to open %s",file2);


PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2009 9:58 am 
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Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:59 pm
Posts: 828
Well, meanwhile someone do something with the official code, I 've done a (more or less) working test.
It compiles and works with simple textures, and environment, and lightmap textures (as long as I tested). The plain rgb textures and fonts are working wrong. I don't understand well the video textures so I didn't code them...
The good point, as this code uses SOIL you can load almost any image format file (jpeg, tga,psd,dds...).
This should +- work for people asking me for more image files, but there is place for a loooot of improvements and bugfixes.

(just added the library for compiling)

$CC "$1" -g -Wall -DFORCE_LIBRAYDIUM -o test libraydium.so \
-Iraydium/php/ -Isoil/src/ -Iraydium/php/main/ -Iraydium/php/Zend -Iraydium/php/TSRM \

(Just new include and full rewrite of raydium_texture_load_internal function)
#include "../soil/src/SOIL.h"


raydium_texture_load_internal (char *filename, char *as, signed char faked,
                int faked_tx, int faked_ty, int faked_bpp,
                int or_live_id_fake)
  int id = -1;
  int tex_2d = 0;
  int simulate = 0;
  int rgb = 0;
  int reflect = 0;
  int lightmap = 0;
  int hdr = 0;
  int nolight = 0;
  int blended = 0;
  int infox = 0;
  int infoy = 0;
  int infocomp = 0;
  int cutout = 0;
  float r = 0.0f;
  float g = 0.0f;
  float b = 0.0f;
  unsigned char filename2[RAYDIUM_MAX_NAME_LEN];
  unsigned char temp[RAYDIUM_MAX_NAME_LEN];
  unsigned char *img;
  unsigned int soil_flags = SOIL_FLAG_INVERT_Y | SOIL_FLAG_COMPRESS_TO_DXT;


  //check if already loaded
  for (id = 1; id < RAYDIUM_MAX_TEXTURES; id++)
      if (raydium_texture_used[id])
     if (!strcmp (raydium_texture_name[id], as))
         raydium_log ("texture: (internal) %s is duplicated", as);
         return id;
  //is not already loaded

  if (raydium_texture_to_replace)
      id = raydium_texture_to_replace;
      //TODO:WARNING: Not tested!!!!
      raydium_texture_free (raydium_texture_to_replace);
      raydium_texture_to_replace = 0;
      //check if there is one texture slot free
      id = raydium_texture_get_next_free_slot_internal ();
  if ((int) id == -1)      //Not free slot :(
      raydium_log ("texture: No more texture slots left ! (%i max)",
      return 0;

//SIMULATING? (what is this for?....)
  //check if needed to simulate
  if (raydium_window_mode == RAYDIUM_RENDERING_NONE)
      simulate = 1;

  //check if it's a plain color
  strcpy ((char *) temp, filename);
  temp[4] = 0;
//Is an RGB color?
  if (!strcmp ("rgb(", (char *) temp))
      rgb = 1;
      sscanf (filename, "rgb(%f,%f,%f)", &r, &g, &b);
      raydium_texture_rgb[id][0] = r;
      raydium_texture_rgb[id][1] = g;
      raydium_texture_rgb[id][2] = b;
      raydium_texture_rgb[id][3] = 1.f;
      if (r < 0 && g < 0 && b < 0)
     raydium_log ("Tex. num %i is Phantom (depth buffer only)", id);
     blended = 0;
     raydium_log ("Tex. num %i, rgb(%f,%f,%f) is RGB Color", id, r, g,
  else if (!faked)
      rgb = 0;
      //check if environment map
      strcpy ((char *) temp, filename);
      temp[3] = 0;
      //Check if it's an ENV mapping texture?
      if (!strcmp ("ENV", (char *) temp))
     reflect = 1;

      //check if Nonpoweroftwo textures are used
      if (!raydium_texture_use_npot_textures ||
     (!glutExtensionSupported ("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two") &&
      !glutExtensionSupported ("GL_ARB_texture_rectangle")))
     soil_flags = soil_flags | SOIL_FLAG_POWER_OF_TWO;

      if (strstr (filename, ".tri."))
     lightmap = 1;

      if (strstr (filename, ".dds"))

      memcpy (temp, filename, 3);
      if (!strcmp ("HDR", (char *) temp))   // TEMP !!
     hdr = 1;
     nolight = 1;

      memcpy (temp, filename, 3);
      temp[3] = 0;
      if (!strcmp ("BOX", (char *) temp) || faked)
     soil_flags = soil_flags;
     soil_flags = soil_flags | SOIL_FLAG_TEXTURE_REPEATS;

      //resolve filename     
      raydium_path_resolv (as, filename2, 'r');   //resolv the name of the image
      raydium_log ("SOIL goes to load %s", filename2);

      img = SOIL_load_image (filename2, &infox, &infoy, &infocomp, 0);
      SOIL_free_image_data (img);   //TODO: Waste of time....       
      raydium_log ("Image has size %dx%d with %d channels", infox, infoy,

      //load texture into id slot
      if (!simulate)
   id = SOIL_load_OGL_texture
     (filename2, SOIL_LOAD_AUTO, id, soil_flags);

//check texture slot after load
      if (id == 0)
     raydium_log ("About texture file: %s ( %s )", as, filename2);
     raydium_log ("SOIL loading error: '%s'\n", SOIL_last_result ());
     raydium_log ("Textures loaded ok!. Message: %s",
             SOIL_last_result ());
//in this point the texture has been succesfully loaded

//check channels
      switch (infocomp)      //How many channels?
   case 0:
   case 1:      //GREY
     soil_flags =
     blended = 1;
   case 2:      // just 2 channels???
     soil_flags = soil_flags | SOIL_FLAG_MIPMAPS;
   case 3:      //RGB
     soil_flags = soil_flags | SOIL_FLAG_MIPMAPS;
   case 4:      //RGBA
     soil_flags =
     if (temp[3] > 0 && temp[3] < 255)
       blended = 1;
     if (temp[3] == 0)
       cutout = 1;
  else            //It's a faked image
      //TODO: I gues...
      return 0;

  //store its name
  strcpy (raydium_texture_name[id], as);

  //check if it has HDR
  raydium_texture_hdr[id] = hdr;

  //check if the texture ignores the light
  raydium_texture_nolight[id] = nolight;

  //check if the texture is part of an environment
  raydium_texture_env[id] = reflect;

  //check the size of the texture
  raydium_texture_memory[id] = infox * infoy * infocomp;   //TODO:wrong approximation

  //check if it's a lightmap
  raydium_texture_islightmap[id] = lightmap;

  //check if it's a blender texture
  if (cutout && !blended)
      blended = 2;
  raydium_texture_blended[id] = blended;

  //mark its slot as used
  raydium_texture_used[id] = 1;

  //returns id of the used slot       
  return id;

Xfennec: Indented with (GNU) indent application sorry, no time for manual indentation right now ;)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:29 pm 
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Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2003 2:53 am
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The trouble here is that it's not only about alternative texture loading, but also about texture managing (uploading it to OpenGL, creating mipmaps, clamp-to-edge, ...). Splitting raydium_texture_load_internal() in half IS a good idea, for sure, but it's also half of the solution ... We can't reasonably let people deal with their "own" texture formats like this.

A correct solution, IMHO, would be to create some sort of "texture format handlers" where people could register their own extensions. Something like raydium_texture_handler_add("jpg",my_jpeg_loading_handler) where you'll decode jpeg file by yourself from a FILE* and to a colour buffer (or something like that). Current Raydium format (tga, rgb, ...) should be internally managed with handlers too. Handlers would be able to read and write a struct where texture "options" could be defined (lightmap ? HDR ? reflect ? blended ? ...)

Not -that- easy to write, if you want my opinion :)

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