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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 7:39 am 
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Soon i will give a pair of courses related with Raydium.
The first one is (translated) Design and creation of interactive virtual envorionments, and the second one is Videogame introduction. Both will use Raydium and the best thing is that both are official courses paid by the state and by the university respectively.

Pronto voy a impartir un par de cursos relacionados con Raydium.
El primero es Diseño y Creación de Entornos Virtuales Interactivos, y el segundo es Introducción a la creación de videojuegos. Ambos usarán Raydium como motor y lo mejor es que ambos son cursos ofificlaes. El primero es subvencionado por el SAE(servicio Andaluz de Empleo=inem andaluz) y el segundo es un curso de verano de la universidad. Ambos se impartirán en Málaga.
Interesados mandadme un mensaje por aquí, en este mismo hilo.

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:58 pm 
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Yahoooooo ! :)

At the end, if you've any "material" (slides, video, pictures, whatever), I would be pleased to have a look, just by curiosity ;)

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 9:06 pm 

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Raydium Api was used two week ago to teach Real Time to Romanian students (Hunedoara) !

Slides are only on real time, only app is written with raydium.

Raydium is also involved in a projet:

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 9:11 pm 
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Nice to see Raydium is used outside of our small team !

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:34 am 
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The first course is focus on interactive virtual environment, is the next step in the old vrm environments.
So the objective of that course is to let the students be able to model and texturize a real world place and then pass it to tri-format and make a simple aplication to allow the final user to move into the environment (also guided movement with paths) and receive some texts or voices explaining something.
An almost-null coding level should be able to take advantage of the course since i want to explain thing in a way "copy-this-modify-this-and-you-get-this".
The best example is a museum, where you can move from art to art and in a few ones an automatized travelling could show you better the art.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:02 am 
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Bad and good news.
First the bad: the first course was cancelled cause an strange murphy-rule-application caused that 7 students didn't appear the first day. And the law say that in such a situation, the course has to be cancelled... Snif...

Now the good: The course in the University has been confirmed with 25 students. And it will be given in GNU/Linux!!!

I have started to plan and design the course (5 daysx4 hours=20hours).
The first will be an introducttion to videogames, analysis of jobs, how raydium saves jobs, texturing and modelling, and then coding, all will be helped with presentations(ODP format).
In the coding secction i want to make a few game-test (obvioulsy i will give the art to save time).
First "game": The camera moves into a loaded terrain (simple customisation of skel.c file)
Second game: An sphere user-controlled has to move in a land with bowls(bowlings, i'm not sure about the term) and pull down everyone.(basic movement)
Third game: An airplane that flies over a terrain (difficult movement oriented and joystick/pad/mouse usage).
...more will come...
NOTE:By the way i need an airplane model(blender or TRI file). Someone can send me one?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:36 am 
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The local government here in Andalucía (Spain) has approved a project based on a game, AntiRX.
The game will be done by me and as you can imagine it will use Raydium :)
Surely it will use 2D, but according needs it could pass to 3D, not yet decided.
About the game: is educational, anti-racism focus and young people oriented.

Soon more news and maybe a tech-demo.

Xfennec, how do you see to add a "projects using Raydium" section?

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:19 pm 
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Well, the course has ended.

We lost a lot of time with the stupid internet setup of the university. At the end we almost have no connection to internet, so i had to bring a copy of my full repository, raydium folder, and a few extras. Almost one day and a half wasted in total.

With that situation i had to change my initial plan a lot. All network content removed.

Basically i have teach about raydium basics, ODE, graphical functions, a bit of sound (but without sound, of course ... damn university) and even i have talked about a few "exclusives", like carlib, 2D engine and the new animation system and its goals.

Cause i can not make in conctact with Xfennec, i've updated the splides in another server: ... sh.tar.bz2
Inside there are a few .c examples i used and the slides in (ODF) format.

In conclusion, i have ended with a good feeling about the course, and maybe we will receive a few new members in brief...

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:15 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:54 pm
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Saludos Vicente! soy Gonzalo, uno de tus alumnos del curso de raydium. Quería darte la enhorabuena por el curso! Arrancó un poco mal por el tema por la mala configuración del Internet y eso, pero al final he salido con la sensación de haber aprendido bastante y me lo he pasado realmente bien trasteando con la librería. De hecho lo mismo continuo mirando alguna que otra cosa por mi cuenta...

Bueno te quería pedir, si no es mucha molestia por tu parte si me pudieras hacer un mini how-to de como compilar lo que hicimos en windows. Es que les estuve hablando a mis amigos de que había hecho el curso y claro, me gustaría enseñarles lo que he hecho, para que pudieran verlo ellos en sus casas. He probado bajandome el sdk de la pagina y hacerlo por mi cuenta, pero me pierdo y no doy con la tecla. Así que si tienes algo de tiempo libre, te lo agradecería mucho.

Otra cosa, te importaría que mencionase el curso en los foros de esta pagina?
Es un punto de reunión de desarrolladores amateurs de videojuegos hispanos. Te nombraría como impartidor del curso, no tengo ninguna intención de apropiarme de tus meritos. Lo mismo de entre alguno de ellos sale un colaborador para raydium. Bueno, espero tu contestación

English post:

Vicente is a great teacher! Raydium is cool! This is all, my english is horrible

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:04 pm 
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Ok, perfecto, así nos haces publicidad.
Respecto a lo del mini-howto voy a ver que consigo(como ya os comenté windows no es mi especialidad) y postearé en este mismo hilo lo que consiga.

Y me alegra mucho que el curso te haya gustado :)

Por cierto que hay otro compañero del curso interesado, pero está contactando por mensajes privados. Pero mejor en el foro :)

Ok, perfect. In that way you can advise our project.
About the windows compile mini-howto: I'll try to find something about (but you know windows is not my best) and i'll post right here what i get.

And i'm happy you have like the course :)

By the way, there is one more student interested in this project, but he has contacted me using private messages. But the forum is the right way.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:37 pm 
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Por el momento he averiguado que se puede compilar con devcpp(imagino que lo conocerás).
También deberías instalar los siguientes ficheros:
gettext-dev-0.14.5.zip 1 541 571
glaux-1-1mol.DevPak 68 690
glew-1.3.3-1apb.DevPak 200 519
libintl-0.11.5_2-1spec.DevPak 130 198
libjpeg-6b_4-1spec.DevPak 267 722
libogg-1.1.DevPak 91 744
libvorbis-1.0.1.DevPak 1 042 475
OpenAL-1.1-1ea.DevPak 5 087 620
Se supone que las versiones son las correctas pero si alguna no la encuentras, intenta con la siguiente superior.

De momento es todo, sigo investigando (la mayoría está en francés y apenas entiendo nada)
Right now i have noticed that Raydium can be compiled in windows using devcpp (i suppose you know it).
Also you should install the following files:
gettext-dev-0.14.5.zip 1 541 571
glaux-1-1mol.DevPak 68 690
glew-1.3.3-1apb.DevPak 200 519
libintl-0.11.5_2-1spec.DevPak 130 198
libjpeg-6b_4-1spec.DevPak 267 722
libogg-1.1.DevPak 91 744
libvorbis-1.0.1.DevPak 1 042 475
OpenAL-1.1-1ea.DevPak 5 087 620
Those versions should be the rgiht ones, but if you can not find someone, then try the following next.

That's all right now, but i'll back with more tips soon (almos everything is in french, and is not my best).

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:08 pm 

Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:46 pm
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Hi vincente ...

Using raydium on windows, try my sdk, with at least code block projects (dev cpp project can be found in the same place).


I ahe to improve this sdk after hollidays, so comments are welcome.

Have a nice day

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:17 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:54 pm
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Asias Vicente! Voy a probar con las librerías que me has puesto y ya te cuento!


Thx Vicente! I will tray with these libs

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:27 pm 
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tamudo, justo antes de tu post, Ouille ha puesto un enlace a su versión del SDK de Raydium en windows, deberías probarlo, básicamente es el sdk win32 oficial a falta de uno con ese nombre.

tamudo, just before your post Oille has posted a link to its windows SDK for Raydium. You should try it cause, while there is no official one, that is in fact the official one.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:41 pm 
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Even if the official SDK is not up-to-date (and not compatible with the head version of Raydium for now), it's probably the simplest way to use Raydium under windows. I must admit I've just read this thread, quiet quickly, and I've perhaps missed something about the official SDK.

As a remember You can found the the official SDK in the download section of the Raydium website. Here is a direct link :


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