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PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:16 pm 

Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:46 pm
Posts: 759

You probably know Sketchup 3d models

And now you can have this:
thanks to tsa

And this:
from best-lemming

Or this:
from zt2fan

And even this:
from moom

All is done with a php script.
You need only a kmz file. Google sketchup can generate (export) such kmz files.

Run php script from embended application. (1) kmz is uncompressed. (2) Texture are "automaticaly" converted to tga (need to add gd2 extension to php (see php.ini)) (3) .tri file is generated.

BUT due to a probably misuse of php script become quite slow for bigs objects. If a php specialist have an idea ?

Feedback welcomes.

BE REALLY CARREFULL: google sketchup file are very heavy, lot's of vertex sometime simple objects. Needed to be used with attention, Sofa resulting .tri file is for example 27Mbyte file (cocorobrix is less than 3Mbyte!!!!!).

File comment: php script and test program.
Switch mode with right mouse button.

collada_2_tri_v4.zip [6.04 KiB]
Downloaded 6371 times
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:27 pm 
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A fennec ! \o/ Sweeeeet ! :)

Having a look at the code, it seems that kmz is some sort of archive with collada mesh inside ? Am I right ? Strange it's not a very known fact ...

Quick note : There's a few annoying windows only paths in the file ("\\") making that script failing here, should use good old sanitized standard polished stable recognized POSIX paths :)

About speed, the only thing I can say is that PHP isn't as good about memory management as a compiled language ... While working on DirectX-to-tri PHP script, I've seen incredible things ... For instance, on the first version of the script, I was using global variables and references (&), to simplify work for PHP (no need to copy parameter for functions). Even with this, the script was damn slow. Almost by error, I've moved to regular (copy) parameters for functions, and the script suddenly increased its speed by 10x ! The only thing I've learned then is not that you should use parameter by copy, but that PHP is simply out of any logic when it comes to (big) memory management.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:50 pm 

Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:46 pm
Posts: 759
Here is it !!!

test_kmz.zip [5.95 KiB]
Downloaded 6200 times

This new version of the script is now quite as faster as light.

Using Xpath can speed up things a lot.

Enjoy sketchup.

Waiting for validation before commiting.

Have a nice day.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:37 pm 
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What's the precise relation between Collada and Kmz ? I think this demo can be added in the "contrib/" directory, as an example about how importing .kmz files, more than some sort of "official support" for this format that may confuse users. Am I wrong ? (or even clear :)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:19 pm 

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Kmz is a zip file with model as collada file and texture as image(jpg/png ...) in at least two different folders.

I think that adding test_kmz.c to "normal" raydium dir is a way to handle sketchup files. Leaving his name (test_kmz) is explicit no ?

contrib dir will break all relative path for building app quite easily, except for me ;) I'll have to maintain a new project file and others things like this.

As you want.

About official support, i think that the biggest part about collada / kmz support is done now.

There are probably lot's of things to add, but overall is here i hope so.

Have a nice day.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:42 pm 
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Here's the point: IMHO, the "root" directory of the trunk is supposed to show demos, example, sample applications and official tools (JPGS generation, atm_gen.c, cam.c, ...)

If you think this code can fit in one of these categories, then let's add it to the trunk :)

To do so, here's what should be done IMHO:
- comment at the top of test_kmz.c should be changed
- comment at the top of collada_2_tri.php is missing (even a very simple one)
- the application should be a little more explicit about its role, using a short text at the top, or a title somewhere, ...
- needs error checking (giving a non-existing file shows no particular error, for instance. Same seems to apply when the file type is unknown.)
- C and PHP files should share the same name, so the user understand the link between the two files
- (remove GCC warning: ambiguous ‘else’ at line 43)
- http://sketchup.google.com seems to provide mostly "skp" files. How should I do ?

I think you see my point: currently, this code is not easily usable to the user to be provided as a tool or a demo, so the two choices I see are :
- we see this as a "proof-of-concept", and plance it in the contrib dir.
- we upgrade this as a tool, polishing it and thinking about how the user will see it and use it.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:51 pm 

Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:46 pm
Posts: 759

And now ....
File comment: New version of kmz to tri
kmz_2_tri.zip [6.72 KiB]
Downloaded 6165 times

What about this new version ???

try to respect all guideline. Is ti ok ?

Have a nice day.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:22 pm 
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Still a few points:

- itoa() is not a standardized function, therefore not available on every platform. Linux does not provides it, for instance :)
- gcc warning: kmz_2_tri.c:59: warning : suggest explicit braces to avoid ambiguous ‘else’
- still a lot of missing error checking (about files at least) in the PHP file. Since I'm not able to get a proper kmz file (I think ... see the next point), I've still the console flooded by messages like:
Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/xfennec/opengl/kmz_2_tri.php on line 588                                                   
Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/xfennec/opengl/kmz_2_tri.php on line 586

Same story when I try to open a non existing file, it leads to a crash.

While talking about this, I'm not sure to understand convert_xml_iso()'s goal. It does not sounds very XML, am I wrong :)

Last point, as said in my last post:
http://sketchup.google.com seems to provide mostly "skp" files. How should I do ?

What is the link between these two formats ?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:40 pm 

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here is a newer version, most of corrections where dones, but i don't know why i forget to post results :(

- no more itoa
- added braces
- filename tests, one small correction in php. And error handling in raydium application. I hope it's enough.

- no more crash if file doesn't exist

-convert_iso_xml: it's really ennoying. If the xml header of the file, is type of utf8 it is not parsed correctly by xpath. I don't know why. I've searched why, and i still don't know. I propose this small "hack" it allow script to work. I hope next version of php handle this correctly, or some one help me to understand why.
My sketchup generated kmz file are ok, but getting some file from internet raise the problem.

- skp file are sketchup files. kmz file can be generated by skectchup, in file->export.

Last but not least, this script is a collada parser. And collada file format is quite well supported now. So even if it is not used for sketchup it can be usefull for collada translation.

Here is the last version. Can you make some tests ... and if it's ok i'll like to add thoses files to raydium "official" directory.

Have a nice day.

File comment: october version of raydium application and php script to convert sketchup/collada file to raydium .tri file format.
kmz_2_tri.zip [6.83 KiB]
Downloaded 6177 times
PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:17 am 
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(very) Quick test under windows:

- I'm unable to open kmz files :( (see below for verbose log)
- Test for gd is wrong (generates an syntax error when extension is not present) . And we should perhaps include gd in our PHP distribution ?
- You should rework a bit your (interesting) help message, in the application:
"in Sketchup export file in .kmz format" -> ?
"Are now in your writable directory" -> "are now created in your writable directory" ?
remove obvious states: "Enter name and click Load" and "You can specify an output mesh scale", the application is self explaining on this.
add the fact that it supports other file format ? (dae, for instance, no ?)

This is a tiny change, probably, but all this should be simple and clear for the newbie :)

kmz error: (sorry, I had no time to investigate more)
kmz_2_tri: Converting: test.kmz
kmz_2_tri: Working temp dir:C:\Users\Xfennec\AppData\Local\Temp

Warning: fopen(C:\Users\Xfennec\AppData\Local\Temp/kmz/models/test.dae): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\data\raydium_bordel\raydium_win32_ide_sdk_1025\bin\kmz_2_tri.php on line 586

I'll also try all this with Linux ASAP.

Apart from these points, it looks close to a final state !

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:25 pm 

Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:46 pm
Posts: 759

Let's try again ...

Now just select your kmz file in the combo menu. Hope your kmz file and this program are in same directory.

To create kmz file in sketchup goto file-> export -> 3d model -> google earth file format.

Click on load ... and i hope ... this time .... perhaps ...

About my message i think that your note is a bit ironic no ?

Just say what you think it must contain, i'll follow the guideline.

This is still a working version.

Have a nice day.

File comment: kmz_2_tri with direct file selection.
kmz_2_tri.zip [8.21 KiB]
Downloaded 6006 times
PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:38 am 
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Just a quick note on this subject (or I will forget it :) ) after talking with ouille on this point: we need to work a little bit on error checking: my kmz file is not correct, that why I had all these error lines I talk about in my last post, and the script should report this issue.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:18 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:41 pm
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Hi , I tried your script but when I try to run it I get a 'don't send error'

Is there any other way to export .kmz files to .tri or any model files to .tri (without blender because my computer has some problems with that program )

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:56 pm 
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Long story short: Blender is THE tool for Raydium. You'll have hard times to get anything modeled/imported into Raydium without it.

You should really try to fix your Blender issues on your computer !

PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:59 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:46 pm
Posts: 759

Please post your file. I'll have a look.

Have a nice day.

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