Following i'll explain an idea i had some time ago.Nothing directly related with raydium... or maybe yes... i'm not sure.
One of the main lacks of the free games is the poor media that they have to use.
A commercial game has a lot of artists of all the trunks according to get a great result. But, for any reasons, the artist are making just a few contents free for the comunity.
With that problem in mind i go to make a web page/portal/repository with the objective of centrilice all the free media usable to games.
Main hot spots are:
-full free content, even you can use it in your commercial game, or even sell it to your friends(if you are a bad guy, of course). I think we can be under certain a CC license.
-easily uploadable content.
-no censorship at all.. Well, only the needed by the country where the server will be phisically.
-a good search tool
-thumbnails of all the content
-an repository, like the RS3 or APT or something like that. It will can be access by external programs.
-banners wil be splitted in 2 groups. First group will be banners for free for open source projects and a second group of paid banners that will give money to mantain the costs of the server.
Probably the first problem is to choose the formats for the files. I mean, which format will be accepted for the 3D objects? TRI? 3DS? Or we can define a new format of "objects" that can contain 3d mesh, animation, textures, and a XML of properties of the obejct(weight, friction, and so on)?
Btw, i have choose this forum to tell about this, cause i want that raydium and this repository be good friends.