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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:31 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:42 pm
Posts: 3
Hi, new to Ray, but it seems relatively easy and fun to use. But I'm so not a programmer it's killing me. :( So I'm counting on your good spirits to help me, please. Could a kind soul explain few things to me (I understand some things, but other things just escape my grasp because I can't seem to find instruction for them)
(I'm using Windows btw)

1. so I've downloaded the "install" zip file, do I need something else? (I've read of downloading some opengl and audio libraries, do I need them and what should I be looking for?)
2. so where do I write? I opened CodeBlocks with the codeblocks.bat and opened a new file, but there was a raydium project (I thhink) opened, so do I need to start a brand new project or do I just write the code (the ones from the tutorials) in a new file inside this project?
3. I did infact just opened a new file (inside the opened project which opened when I opened codeblocks.bat), and written the code from the tutorial* but then it says
It's time to compile this first application, using ocomp.sh script, for example:
./ocomp.sh test.c
and I really don't know where or what am I supposed to do. :(

*this is the tutorial I am reffering to: link

Every bit of help would be appriciated.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:53 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:46 pm
Posts: 759

you're on the right way ... keep trying.

Working on windows.

You need the sdk and that's all. If you experience sound problem perhaps try to install openal

Run codeblocks using codeblock.bat

open workspace in tests directory.

This is a simple workbench wich build either raydium library (dll) and application.

Add a file to the application project i suggest skel.c and don't forget to remove old one (lens_flare ?).

Chose DebugDll as buildtarget (and not All) then build (menu build->build). Normaly your app will run loading media file from raydium repository if an internet connection is avaible.

At this time begin to change some lines in skel.c try to change skybox ... or whatever you want.

When everything is quite clear you can try to write e new application from scratch, but it's easier to base your work on some example.

post feedback ...

Have a nice day

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:25 am 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:42 pm
Posts: 3
Thank you, this was a joy to wake up to and read.
But after I've done what you instructed I go to build and I get this:
"raydium_dll - DebugDLL" uses an invalid compiler. Skipping...
"raydium_appli - DebugDLL" uses an invalid compiler. Skipping...
Nothing to be done.

It seems again I skipped some step. Damn, I hate being lame. :D

And yes, what does the ./ocomp.sh test.c do? (I stumble into it and is this for linux?)

Again, thank you very much.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:58 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:46 pm
Posts: 759

First ./ocomp.sh is only for linux.

When you run codeblocks for the first time it ask you which compiler to use.
You probably skip this step.

Run codeblocks.

Settings->compiler and debugger -> toolchain executable tab -> autodetect.

Apply and new tests.

Have a nice day

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:29 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:42 pm
Posts: 3
Thank you, that did it. It is a nice day, you have nice day as well.

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