Apres avoir vu la jolie video de volcano, j'ai mis a jour raydium et essayé l'appli sur ma machine.
Le fonctionnement est correct par contre l'eau est noire, avec parfois des couleur rouge/vertes !
J'ai passé un bon moment a toucher au différentes options opengl, rien n'a changé.
Ma carte video ne supporte peut etre pas l'eau ;o) Dans ce cas ce n'est pas grave.
Je viens de voir que les shader n'etaient pas dispo, limitation de la carte ? Ou mauvaise configuration ?
Raydium: Raydium 3D Game Engine
Raydium: version 0.705
Raydium: command line args: OK
chdir: No error
Raydium: using 'C:\Documents and Settings\laffont/.raydium' as home dir
Raydium: Requesting 800x600:32 mode
Raydium: Found 800x600 with 32 bpp color and 24 bits zbuffer (stencil is

Raydium: using GeForce4 4200 Go/AGP/SSE2, from NVIDIA Corporation (version 1.4.0
Raydium: Signal Handlers: OK
Raydium: OpenGL extensions: OK
Raydium: Platform "4xfloat" vector size is: 16 byte(s) long
Raydium: OpenGL implementation maximum texture size: 4096x4096
Raydium: OpenGL hardware providing 4 texture unit(s)
Raydium: vertex arrays memory: OK
Raydium: path: OK
Raydium: keyboard: OK
Raydium: mouse: OK
Raydium: joy: FAILED
No Joy support under Win32 yet
Raydium: sound: Buffer creation successfull
Raydium: sound: OK, using 'Generic Software'
Raydium: PHP support: OK
Raydium: atexit functions: OK
Raydium: lights: OK
Raydium: fog: OK
Raydium: objects: OK
Raydium: network: OK
Raydium: timecall: win32 modulo every 19.98 minutes, modulodiv is 2^0
Raydium: timer: detection: 1 iterations: diff: 7 steps (3579545/sec)
Raydium: timecall: method accuracy = 0.002 ms (511363.56 Hz)
Raydium: timecall: Using basic gettimeofday() method
Raydium: timecall: OK (511363 Hz)
Raydium: timecall: softcall 0: 1 Hz (3579545 clocks interval)
Raydium: particle: OK
Raydium: gui: OK
Raydium: shadow: OK
Raydium: HDR: OK
Raydium: shaders: FAILED (GLSL 1.0 not found)
Raydium: webserver: OK
Raydium: Raydium engine reseted to original state
Raydium: timecall: callback 1: 400 Hz (8948 clocks interval)
Raydium: physics: ODE Net: 10 element(s)/packet
Raydium: physics: OK
Raydium: RegAPI: OK
Raydium: Engine is now ready.
Raydium: Texture num 1 (BOXfront.tga) loaded: 512x512, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Texture num 2 (BOXback.tga) loaded: 512x512, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Texture num 3 (BOXleft.tga) loaded: 512x512, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Texture num 4 (BOXright.tga) loaded: 512x512, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Texture num 5 (BOXbottom.tga) loaded: 512x512, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Texture num 6 (BOXtop.tga) loaded: 512x512, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: shadow: shadow map size detected to 512x512
Raydium: Texture num 7 (shadowmap) FAKED: 512x512, 4 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Texture num 8 (reflection) FAKED: 512x512, 4 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Texture num 9 (refraction) FAKED: 512x512, 4 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Object: loading "paradise.tri", version 1
Raydium: Texture num 10 (ground.tga) loaded: 256x256, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Texture num 11 (paradise_island.tga) loaded: 512x512, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr
Raydium: Texture num 12 (paradise_ground.tga) loaded: 64x64, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: shadow: ground (0) modelsize is 133.28, center factors : 0.46/0.49
Raydium: Texture num 13 (smoke.tga) loaded: 256x256, 4 Bpp (b1 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: camera path 'volcano.cam' loaded (slot 0, 96 steps)
Raydium: camera path 'volcano1.cam' loaded (slot 1, 96 steps)
Raydium: Object: creating display list for object paradise.tri
Raydium: Object: creating **shadow** display list for object paradise.tri
Raydium: Texture num 14 (water_nmap.tga) loaded: 1024x1024, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Texture num 15 (water_dudvmap.tga) loaded: 1024x1024, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr
Raydium: Texture num 16 (logo_raydium.tga) loaded: 128x128, 4 Bpp (b1 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: WARNING: timecall's too long
Raydium: Object: loading "rock1.tri", version 1
Raydium: Texture num 17 (rock3.tga) loaded: 128x128, 3 Bpp (b0 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Texture num 18 (explosion.tga) loaded: 256x256, 4 Bpp (b1 lm0 hdr0)
Raydium: Object: creating display list for object rock1.tri
Raydium: Object: creating **shadow** display list for object rock1.tri
Raydium: Object: loading "rock0.tri", version 1
Raydium: Object: creating display list for object rock0.tri
Raydium: Object: creating **shadow** display list for object rock0.tri
Raydium: sound: end of file reached
Raydium: sound: ov_read error